6.5.2 Release Notes

Sunday, July 21, 2024

8:00 AM

These are the latest updates to OneMore. See the most recent installer here. See installation instructions here.


Last updated

22 Sep 2024

Current version


Full Changelog



Breaking Change (Fix) to Table Formulas


  • The previous release broke simple substraction in table formulas when using cell references, such as A1-A2. This release fixes that but also introduces new breaking changes that should provide better functionality. See #1551


Internal Updates

  • N/A


Known Issues and Proposed Updates


  • 🐜Reduced an issue where Command/Quick Palette dialogs would cause the OneNote window to flicker; this changes the opening behavior of the Palette dialogs, hiding the command list until you start typing, #1422. However, the flicker still randomly occurs.
  • 🐜 SearchAndReplace doesn't replace the currently highlighted or selected word/phrase; sometimes it doesn't replace other candidates either
  • 🐜Replaying a command using Ctrl+Shift+R is done in a single thread, breaking progress.RunModeless; see CreatePagesCommand
  • 🐜Select Similar Styles will find differences in colors Auto vs #000000 - make it more fuzzy?
  • 🐜PasteText should convert CRLF to hard-breaks, currently creates soft-breaks
  • 💡Command to convert friendly URLs to raw URLs; References menu
  • 💡Paginate Hashtag search results
  • 💡Move Navigator to DB, paginate history panel, provide import/export
  • 💡Move Reminders to DB, option in dialog and on-page link to delete completed reminders
  • 💡Update the update command to look for #warning keyword (or similar) and display warning to user
  • 💡Github PR action to pull ticket# prefix from branch name, e.g. 1234-do-something-cool



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